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Healthy life starts from improving indoor air pollution

Release time:2020-06-18 22:58viewed:times

The increasingly serious haze makes the government and society pay more and more attention to air pollution and environmental protection. In fact, it is not only outdoor air pollution that endangers our health. We spend more time indoors in our daily work and life. The impact of indoor environment on health is far greater than that of outdoor.

Many people will regard "pungent taste" and "uncomfortable smell" as decoration pollutants and other air pollution problems, but in fact, smell is not equal to insecurity, and tasteless path is not equal to safety.

With the increasing attention of indoor formaldehyde pollution, there are other pollutants concerned by the public, such as benzene, ammonia, TVOC and other pollutants. Therefore, air purification is very necessary.

First of all, among the four kinds of indoor air pollutants, formaldehyde with high concentration has no taste, which can be understood as colorless and tasteless gas, but it can cause damage to bronchi, lungs, nose, pharyngeal mucosa and other parts in the early stage; second, benzene has aromatic smell, which is called "aromatic killer" in the industry, mostly from the surface of wallpaper, carpet and furniture; third The identification of ammonia pollutants is relatively high. It is a colorless and irritating odor gas. Finally, TVOC refers to the total volatile organic compounds. It is an important substance that produces "smell" after decoration, mainly from paint, paint and adhesive, but it has strong volatility.

At present, some main workplaces with serious indoor air pollution include subway, car, living room, kitchen, office, meeting room, hospital, educational institution, etc. Most of the respiratory diseases are caused by indoor air pollution, and when the content of formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, TVOC and other harmful gases in the indoor air exceeds the national safety standard, it will cause discomfort to human body and cause various respiratory diseases, serious or even direct death!

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